Solo practitioner (4/1/77 – present). Bonnie’s practice has involved diverse litigation, negotiation, arbitration, mediation, and legal counseling in many areas of the law. Since 2000 she has also been involved in Collaborative law. In domestic relations matters, Bonnie has served in the capacities of mediator, arbitrator, special master, special advocate, child’s legal representative, and Guardian ad Litem with various courts by court order and/or by agreement of the parties. These disputes have included permanent orders, division of property, property valuations, parental decision making, parenting time, and third party visitation cases.
Deputy State Public Defender (10/2/73-4/1/77). Trial deputy in the Denver Office of the Public Defender. First female to be appointed division head of the Juvenile Division.
Social Worker (1/69 through 8/70). Intensive casework services group, Douglas County Department of Social Services, Omaha, Nebraska. Individual therapy, crisis interventions, and child protective services work. During that time Bonnie also volunteered, trained, and worked in suicide intervention counseling.
CBA Ethics Committee 1982 through 1988. Co-author of Formal Ethics Opinion 67 (Colorado), permitting contingent fee collection of liquidated child support arrearages.
Former Hearing Panel Member, Supreme Court Grievance Committee.
Bonnie has served by stipulation among the parties and/or by Court Order in the capacity of arbitrator, mediator, mediator/arbitrator and Special Master for property division, property valuation, parenting time and parental responsibilities throughout Colorado.
FEMA/DHS Colorado Task Force (CO-TF1). Recently retired as a Canine Search Specialist along with Delta, her canine partner. She remains a volunteer member of Colorado Task Force One, Urban Search and Rescue (, through the Federal Emergency Management Agency branch of the Department of Homeland Security.
American Inns of Court
Minoru Yasui Inn of Court (1995-present)
Member: Invited to membership 1995
Office: Executive Board and Program Coordinator (1995-2000).
Colorado Bar Association
Member: Family Law Section; ADR Section.
Office: Chair of Family Law Section CBA 2004-2005.
Executive Council Member Family Law Section (1995-current); Co-Editor of Family Law Column Colorado Lawyer (1996-2001).
Member: Legal Fee Arbitration Committee 1980-current) member and hearing officer.
Member: Alternative Dispute Resolution Section
Denver Bar Association
Member: Legal Fee Arbitration Committee (1985-current) member and hearing officer.
Catholic Lawyers Guild of Colorado
Member from 1979 to present
Office: Board of Directors, 1995 to present.
Colorado Women’s Bar Association
Member from inception to present date
Colorado Council of Mediators and Mediation Organizations (CCMO) Member 1998 – current.
Member of the following Collaborative Law practice groups and organizations:
Rocky Mountain Collaborative Law Professionals
Academy for Collaborative Practice
Member and Chair
Colorado Collaborative Law Professionals
Member from inception
Office: Board of Directors (inception through 2007).