Community Service
Tango Rita Helps in Grand Junction (Click Here)
What I Learned in New Orleans
Every minute given to you is a gift.
Simple gratitude is a gift powerful enough to overcome any adversity.
Gifts for which I am grateful:
Being alive
Being alive and vertical
Being alive and vertical and strong
Clean drinking water
PortaPotties — big gift
Flush toilets — Huge Gift
People who work tirelessly without complaint
People who will risk their life for you.
What Delta Learned in New Orleans
A Chinook helicopter hovering overhead means the tent will soon blow away – crouch low in your crate and hang on!
I do not produce Astro poop or Astro pee — the real grass is outside.
When another dog barks while everyone is sleeping, you must lay perfectly still with your eyes closed. If you can, snore softly. They kill dogs who bark while everyone’s sleeping.
The back seat of a crew cab is comfortable, but you can catch big air in the back seat of a van.
I will agree to sleep on the van floor only if I get part of your MRE.
I’d rather work than sit.
Toto was right “there’s no place like home.”
Bonnie Schriner and Delta (Type I advanced retired)
Canine Search Specialist
Colorado Task Force 1 DHS/FEMA
Urban Search and Rescue
Deployed to Hurricane Katrina 8/30-9/9/2005
- CO-TF1 In New Orleans
- Bonnie and Delta
- Delta meeting the public
- Delta searching a collapse
- Tango Rita searching a pile
- Bonnie in New Orleans after Katrina